SCREW BIPOLAR DISORDER! Stable Moods for Life: Break free from your bipolar disorder I and II symptoms forever with 20 tools that actually work (Bipolar Doisorder) by Alice Lane
SCREW BIPOLAR DISORDER! Stable Moods for Life: Break free from your bipolar disorder I and II symptoms forever with 20 tools that actually work (Bipolar Doisorder) by Alice Lane PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Break free from your Bipolar I and II symptoms forever with 20 tools that ACTUALLY work!
Discover how to finally overcome your symptoms of Bipolar I and II for good so that you can have stable moods for life and achieve anything you have ever dreamed of! Dear Friend, My name is Alice Lane and I am bipolar disorder survivor. I know that's a bold statement above, but I can confidently say that because I've personally achieved stable moods with the information I'm sharing with you in this book. This is not another book about bipolar disorder that simply tells you what bipolar is, reinforces that you are suffering from manic depression, defines the types - Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic disorder, Rapid cycling and Mixed states. This is also not a book that tells you why it happens without actually telling you what you can do about it. This is a solution bookThese 20 Tools Changed My Life
Since I was diagnosed, I have dedicated more than 7 years of my life to finding a way to be rid of bipolar disorder for good by reading everything under the sun about bipolar disorder and about how I can beat this UGLY thing they call Bipolar Disorder and after so much pain and a tremendous amount of trial and error; I am so happy and excited to share with you 20 tools that REALLY DO WORK. They worked for me and I truly believe that they will work for you too if you can just try it.Here's just a few of the results I've experienced because of the 20 Tools listed in this book:
• I haven’t suffered with ‘Mania’, depression or anxiety in more than six years. • I went from not being able to sleep for days to having a peaceful and regular sleep schedule. • I went from being alone due to fear of hurting someone because I am bipolar to attracting an incredible relationship. • I figured out all the things that drastically changed my moods and completely eliminated it (including some toxic people). And much, much more! I promise you, that if you use all the 20 Tools I suggest in this book, that you WILL feel incredibly empowered, you WILL fight this thing called bipolar disorder, you WILL win which enable you to finally live the life you've always wanted. Get started now. Download your copy! Tags: bipolar, bipolar disorder, mood swings, depression, bipolar disorder free, bipolar disorder books, bipolar disorder workbook, bipolar disorder medication, bipolar disorder remedies, bipolar disorder survival guideFrom reader reviews:
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