Sabtu, 27 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Thinkers of the Jungle by Gerd Schuster, Willie Smits, Jay Ullal

Thinkers of the Jungle by Gerd Schuster, Willie Smits, Jay Ullal

Thinkers of the Jungle

Thinkers of the Jungle by Gerd Schuster, Willie Smits, Jay Ullal PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

We all recognize these highly intelligent and impressive animals - orangutans. But very few people know anything about their habits and how they live. Around 6,000 of these animals die every year; they are among the world's most endangered species. This book reveals the truth abouth the tragedy besetting the jungles of Borneo and Sumatra. The breathtaking and moving photographs cannot fail to trigger a strong emotional reaction on the part of the reader.

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